Tianzhi Luo
Postdoctoral Fellow, 2009-2014
tzluo77@hotmail.com, tzluo@ustc.edu.cn
Assistant Professor,
Department of Modern Mechanics,
University of Science and Technology of China
Academic Titles
- 78. Duan R, Kim JH, Shilagardi K, Schiffhauer E, Lee, D, Son S, Li S, Thomas C, Luo T, Fletcher DA, Robinson DN, Chen EH. Spectrin is a mechanoresponsive protein shaping fusogenic synapse architecture during myoblast fusion. Nat. Cell Biol. 2018; 20, 688–698. [Available as a preprint on bioRxiv; DOI: 10.1101/154831] / PDF
- 74. Miao C, Schiffhauer ES, Okeke EI, Robinson DN, Luo T. Parallel compression is a fast, low-cost assay for the high throughput screening of mechanosensory cytoskeletal proteins in cells. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2017; 9(34): 28168–28179. / PDF
- 66. Bai H, Zhu Q, Surcel A, Luo T, Ren Y, Guan B, Liu Y, Wu N, Joseph NE, Wang T-L, Zhang N, Pan D, Alpini G, Robinson DN, Anders RA. Yes-Associated Protein impacts adherens junction assembly through regulating actin cytoskeleton organization. Am. J. Physiol. – Gastrointest. Liver Phys. 2016; 311(3): G396-G411. / PDF
- 65. Schiffhauer ES, Luo T, Mohan K, Srivastava V, Qian X, Griffis E, Iglesias PA, Robinson DN*. Mechanoaccumulative elements of the mammalian actin cytoskeleton. Curr. Biol. 2016; 26(11): 1473-1479. / PDF
- 61. Mohan K, Luo T, Robinson DN, Iglesias PA. Cell shape regulation through mechanosensory feedback control. J. R. Soc. Interface. 2015; 12(109): 20150512. / PDF
- 56. Luo T*, Robinson DN*. Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of the assembly of filamentous biomacromolecules by the dimer addition mechanism. RSC Adv. 2015; 5(6): 3922-3929. / PDF
- 54. Sun Q, Luo T, Ren Y, Florey O, Shirasawa S, Sasazuki T, Robinson DN, Overholtzer M. Competition between human cells by entosis. Cell Res. 2014; 24: 1299-1310. / PDF
- 53. Luo T, Srivastava V, Ren Y, Robinson DN.* Mimicking the mechanical properties of the cell cortex by the self-assembly of an actin cortex in vesicles. App. Phys. Lett. 2014; 104: 153701-1-5. / PDF
52. Luo T, Mohan K, Iglesias PA, Robinson DN*. Molecular mechanisms of cellular mechanosensing. Nat. Mater. 2013; 12: 1064-1071. / PDF
- 46. Robinson DN*, Kee Y-S, Luo T, Surcel A. Understanding how dividing cells change shape. In Egelman EH (ed.) Comprehensive Biophysics, 2012; Elsevier, Amsterdam. Vol. 7, pp. 48-72. / PDF
- 39. Luo T, Mohan K, Srivastava V, Ren Y, Iglesias PA, Robinson DN.* Understanding the cooperative interactions between myosin II and actin crosslinkers mediated by actin filaments during mechanosensation. Biophys. J. 2012; 102(2): 238-247. / PDF
- 36. Luo T, Robinson DN.* The role of the actin cytoskeleton in mechanosensation. Kamkin A. & Kiseleva I. eds. Mechanosensitivity in Cells and Tissues 4: Mechanosensitivity and Mechanotransduction, 2011; Springer-Verlag, New York. pp. 25-65. / PDF
- 34. Surcel A, Kee Y-S, Luo T, Robinson DN.* Cytokinesis through biochemical-mechanical feedback loops. Semin. Cell Dev. Biol. 2010; 21:866-873. / PDF
- 29. Ren Y, Effler JC, Norstrom M, Luo T, Firtel RA, Iglesias PA, Rock, RS, Robinson DN.* Mechanosensing through cooperative interactions between myosin-II and the actin crosslinker cortexillin-I. Curr. Biol. 2009; 19(17):1421-1428. / PDF